That's the latest iPod, the iPod touch. I see this and I fainted. I mean, this is
Go to see me crapping about this.
I don't know why I am writing, but I will just write it anyway. Today, Eunice went to school with this (Hwaa!!) huge panda eyes. Then she complained about eating too much last night (ookkay...). Then she said she dreamed of me getting married (...!). But cannot see with who lol. I have some weird feeling that Eunice always have weird stuff occurring to her... Geez...
Today went to Comex to buy a new laptop. The laptop is a

, and is selling at 1.5k at a student promotion. As usual, it was "people hill people ocean". When my father and I reached the hp booth, the sales promoter sort of stare at me for quite awhile (especially at the SRJC logo on my polo shirt). Then he asked me whether I still remember him. Well, he looked kinda familiar, and I searched my memory from SKPS to bowen to AJC to SRJC, and got no results. In the end, he was actually Ming Feng frm punggol sec in the same guitar class at me at compass point last year. (oohh...)What a small world lol.
So as usual, my father sprayed those technical questions at him (poor dude) but he is still rather good at it. After some "interogatting" by my father, we managed to buy the laptop, but not before dad argued about some 3% thingy (dun wan to eleborate) and went off to get cash. So I and Ming Feng sort of stand around and chat (and he slack in the meantime). After awhile, there is this auntie who suddenly pop out and ask Ming Feng sometime about getting a router. He was kinda shock lol (must be because he was slacking at a corner)... Since he didn't know the answer, the auntie asked me (now i am shock lol). I sort of point to her the direction to a booth selling cheap router I saw (actually i anyhow point one lar). Ming Feng commented that she was very cute. Lol, agreed.
Well, after we payed for the laptop, we left, and i wish Ming Feng luck.
P.S. We are his first customer... Haha~