Sunday, February 10, 2008
I have moved to :-(
Btw, this is my most 'successful' blog, with 27 post lol....
Btw, this is my most 'successful' blog, with 27 post lol....
Thursday, September 06, 2007

Go to see me crapping about this.
Monday, September 03, 2007
I don't know why I am writing, but I will just write it anyway. Today, Eunice went to school with this (Hwaa!!) huge panda eyes. Then she complained about eating too much last night (ookkay...). Then she said she dreamed of me getting married (...!). But cannot see with who lol. I have some weird feeling that Eunice always have weird stuff occurring to her... Geez...
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Today went to Comex to buy a new laptop. The laptop is a

So as usual, my father sprayed those technical questions at him (poor dude) but he is still rather good at it. After some "interogatting" by my father, we managed to buy the laptop, but not before dad argued about some 3% thingy (dun wan to eleborate) and went off to get cash. So I and Ming Feng sort of stand around and chat (and he slack in the meantime). After awhile, there is this auntie who suddenly pop out and ask Ming Feng sometime about getting a router. He was kinda shock lol (must be because he was slacking at a corner)... Since he didn't know the answer, the auntie asked me (now i am shock lol). I sort of point to her the direction to a booth selling cheap router I saw (actually i anyhow point one lar). Ming Feng commented that she was very cute. Lol, agreed.
Well, after we payed for the laptop, we left, and i wish Ming Feng luck.
P.S. We are his first customer... Haha~
Friday, August 31, 2007
Happy Teachers Day!!
Today at SRJC we celebrate Teachers Day with this Song Symphony thingy, and well, it is not that cool (when you see them playing the guitar and hear noting) but some really sang quite well. After that, I and some bowen people sort of gather together and went to bowen. Saw a group of maris with a guy holding a paper with "maris" on it. Lol. Like airport ah?
At bowen, we saw lots of people waiting outside bowen. Even have to paste a sticker to go in. Quite a number of people from 4e1 were there. Ruiboon was missing though. Its good to see them once in awhile. We saw mrs carmen tan, ms suan and mrs ng. Mrs Ng was like... "power man!!"... Nvm. And ms suan was like complaining about the sec4 class writing 24 pages for geo during the prelims. Woa.
After that, I, ben, ron, yuhong and kartik went to AMK hub. While waiting for the bus , I saw Pipop, whom i never contacted for a long time. Took me like 10 seconds to recognize him. I was just staring at him and he stared back. Lol. I was like, he looks farmilar.... looks like Pipop.... but wat's wrong wif the hair lol... It was like...long...and golden... But nevertheless, we talked for awhile and found out he was in nyp doing banking. I was quite shocked since i never expect him to be interested in banking. (Or rather, cannot imagine him in a bank working lol..)
Went to this nebo cafe and saw thina along the way. Discovered that Kartik and Thina were primary school mates. What a small world... After that, we sort of crap around the mall and went home. Well, at least it is nice to see old faces once in awhile...
Today at SRJC we celebrate Teachers Day with this Song Symphony thingy, and well, it is not that cool (when you see them playing the guitar and hear noting) but some really sang quite well. After that, I and some bowen people sort of gather together and went to bowen. Saw a group of maris with a guy holding a paper with "maris" on it. Lol. Like airport ah?
At bowen, we saw lots of people waiting outside bowen. Even have to paste a sticker to go in. Quite a number of people from 4e1 were there. Ruiboon was missing though. Its good to see them once in awhile. We saw mrs carmen tan, ms suan and mrs ng. Mrs Ng was like... "power man!!"... Nvm. And ms suan was like complaining about the sec4 class writing 24 pages for geo during the prelims. Woa.
After that, I, ben, ron, yuhong and kartik went to AMK hub. While waiting for the bus , I saw Pipop, whom i never contacted for a long time. Took me like 10 seconds to recognize him. I was just staring at him and he stared back. Lol. I was like, he looks farmilar.... looks like Pipop.... but wat's wrong wif the hair lol... It was like...long...and golden... But nevertheless, we talked for awhile and found out he was in nyp doing banking. I was quite shocked since i never expect him to be interested in banking. (Or rather, cannot imagine him in a bank working lol..)
Went to this nebo cafe and saw thina along the way. Discovered that Kartik and Thina were primary school mates. What a small world... After that, we sort of crap around the mall and went home. Well, at least it is nice to see old faces once in awhile...
Monday, August 20, 2007

My dream phone lol... Touch screen walkman, 8Gb, 2.6 inch screen
Dunno when coming out... Hopefully by end of august... Or at worst in December...